
Tips to Prepare Yourself Before Your Deposition For a Car Accident

After a car accident, most lawsuits will try to discover about the accident. The primary way to get information from both parties involved in the accident is to conduct a deposition. Usually, you have to go to the lawyer’s office to get deposed, where a court reporter will be present, and you will answer questions under oath. 

While depositions are usually set out of court, in some cases, you might end up in a trial so make sure to get help from a car accident attorney immediately.

However, here are some tips to prepare yourself before your deposition for a car accident.

  • Be prepared priorly

Prepare yourself before appearing for the deposition. One of the common mistakes people make is they do not brace themselves for what’s coming during a deposition. You should not take it lightly. Make sure to discuss everything with your attorney before your deposition to prepare you for every question they ask. In addition, refer to all the documents related to your case like medical records, official police report, written information about the accident, etc. 

While doing so, remember you do not have to memorize anything; this is just to refresh your knowledge about the car accident.

  • Only give out information that you have been asked for

Listen carefully to the questions asked to you and answer accordingly. Of course, you do not need to provide any unnecessary information when deposed. However, that does not mean you should answer the question incompletely, just do not voluntarily speak out any information.

  • Do not predict anything.

Never make wild guesses when asked something; if you do not know the exact answer, do not answer the question with wrong information. For example, if they ask you how far the other party’s car was? Answer with conviction only if you know the correct distance. Otherwise, provide an estimation and always mention the words ‘In my estimation’ when you start to speak. 

  • Stay calm

Most of the deposition sessions are reported to be uneventful, and everything runs smoothly. However, sometimes the opposition lawyers can be aggressive or ill-behaved. It can be challenging to hold yourself together in such situations. Although your lawyers will deal with it and lodge objections, it is better if you remain calm and try your best not to react.

  • Assess the documents before providing statements about them

During the deposition, they might give you a document to ask questions about it. Take your time and read the document carefully so you can answer the questions precisely. 

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Jessica Miller